Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More Family Camp…


So, to sum it up, we had a fantastic time at Family Camp.  This is one of the great perks of Josh working at FH.  He gets a free conference each year, which means we got to go to family camp for free.  As all of our friends have said though, we would completely pay for this experience, and understand how families do it every summer.  We had a great time with Josh’s parents and all of our friends!  Here are some pictures of the week.  Chompy’s favorites included the creek, playing with his friends, chasing his Papa around the “den” (the indoor play space), and being awfully cute.


IMG_7193 Checking out the big kids in their paper airplane flying competition…these three don’t look alike at all do they? ;)



The kiddos!


This was plaid day :)  Can you tell?!



Chompy’s awesome CCA Rachel!!


All the kiddos again :)  Kid Table :)

1 comment:

Moorpark Bike Rides said...

We love the photo of you, Josh and Collin sitting on a wooden seat. I loaded it onto my phone! Love Dad