Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Here comes Christmas…

So, there is a tradition that is quickly becoming a fad for this year:  Elf on the Shelf.

Momma decided that this would be super fun to do with Chompy.  She’ll put the elf somewhere in the house for Chompy to find each morning.  Hopefully, it’ll become a fun game for Chompy to try and figure out where the elf’s new spot is.  Momma is not expecting that Chompy will understand the whole concept for a few years, and isn’t even sure if she’ll use the whole idea, but hiding an elf? That she can get into Smile 

Here’s how the elf will show up for Chompy tomorrow morning.  This is his special seat in the living room, complete with his new Christmas place setting Smile 


Stay tuned to see Chompy’s reaction to the elf, what he names the elf, and where the elf decides to turn up Smile  

Welcome to the Christmas season, Momma’s soooo glad you are here!

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